This is a poem by Tang Dynasty poet 李白 in my grade-7 语文 textbook:



From what I understand, the poem laments how 李白's friend 王昌龄 has been 左迁 = 降职 = demoted and sent to 龙标 in Hunan province (away from 李白).

  • 杨花落尽子规啼: here 杨花 refers to 柳絮 (images): willow seeds which cluster together during certain seasons in China; 落 refers to them falling, and 尽 refers to them being "used up"---so they've basically all fallen now; and 子规啼 refers to the cuckoo's (杜鹃) sound. This first part seems to indicate how or when 李白 learned of 王昌龄's travels (although I'm not sure; maybe it just refers to time elapsing).

  • 闻道龙标过五溪: here 闻道 means something like "learned of"; my book says 龙标 refers to his friend 王昌龄, but the custom at the time was to refer to officials by where they are stationed, in this case 龙标; and 过五溪 refers to 王昌龄 going to 五溪, a region of west Hunan and east Guizhou where five rivers meet. So this line refers to 李白 learning of his friend being stationed elsewhere.

  • 我寄愁心与明月: here 我寄 literally means "I send", although I'm accustomed to this referring to posting things by mail, but maybe it should be non-literally interpreted; here 愁心 means "my worries" and 明月 means "bright moon" (maybe a bright moon makes travel safer). I'm a bit confused about this line.

  • 随风直到夜郎西: here 随风 (or 随君 in my textbook), which I think means "愁心与明月 travels with the wind"; and 夜郎西 seems to be another name for where 龙标 is going.

So maybe I'd translate it to:

The willow seeds have fallen, the cuckoo crows,
I learned Wang Changling has gone to the five creeks,
I send my worries and a bright moon,
On the wind, to west Yelang.

Question: How is my understanding of 李白’s poem 《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》?

  • About the last two verses, could this be a prop3er translation, too? "I entrust my worried hart to the moonlight, let the wind bring it to west Yelang". Commented Oct 15 at 7:17

4 Answers 4


I think you get the gist, so just to explain the third verse a little further:

  1. 寄:Instead of "send", are you familiar with the word 寄托?It means "entrust to the care of/leave with/place hope on".
  2. 明月: In Chinese culture, the moon is extremely commonly associated with nostalgia and longing for family/friends. The implication is that, no matter how far away we are sperated from our loved ones, we can all share the same moonlight.

So, 我寄愁心与明月: "I entrust my worried heart to the bright moon (so it accompanies you as I would)". Just in case you missed it, 与 is combined with 寄 to mean "entrust to", it does not mean "and".

In addition, the cry of 子规 is considered sorrowful, and it is said they will cry til spewing blood. Similarly, 杨花落尽 establishes a melancholic/lonely atmosphere. Hopefully this enhances your mental imagery.


I think that you have understood the meaning of the poem. In traditional Chinese poetry, it is a very common writing technique to use scenery to express emotion. In this poem, "柳絮飘零" and "子规啼叫" represents sadness.


Just my "fun" piece to while away the time, humbly in the romantic spirit of 李白.

杨花 none more to fall,

子规 a melancholic call;

龙标 were you sent,

五溪 a far off land;

寄愁 I do now convey,

明月 in full display;

随风 timely blow,

夜郎 your final goal.

  • Fun indeed! I like it.
    – EEQ
    Commented Aug 6, 2022 at 4:19
  • 1
    @EEQ - Thanks. The discussion is getting a bit too academic and "serious" which, I believe, a romantic poet like 李白 would look for some light-hearted counter-balance. Commented Aug 6, 2022 at 4:28

[The modern interpretation of this poem]:

  • 杨花落尽子规啼,[在柳絮落完,子规啼鸣之时,] - Note: 子规:即杜鹃鸟,又称布谷鸟,相传其啼声哀婉凄切,甚至啼血。

  • 闻道龙标过五溪。[得知您被贬为龙标縣尉(丞),(上任之旅)要经过五溪。] - Note: 龙标 and 五溪 are county/location names.

  • 我寄愁心与明月,[我把我忧愁的心思寄托给明月,]

  • 随风直到夜郎西。[希望能随着风一直陪着你到夜郎以西。] - Note: 夜郎縣



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