Though not as variegated in meaning as Chinese 会, will has 3 basic meanings:
- will: what you want or intend: "I will go to the ball" said Cinderella.
- will: can: used to express capability or sufficiency "Accidents will happen." The back seat will hold 3 passengers. "You will go to the ball Cindy" said the Fairy Godmother.
- will: must: You will go to prison for five years. (Probably not your intention, and although you can, you probably wouldn't, by your own volition, go to prison!)
I believe 1. 2. and 3. below use 会 to stop the sentence sounding like an imperative or a question.
Ostensibly, 1. 2. and 3. in English are so-called Present Tense, but it is almost impossible to use the so-called Present Tense to indicate right now, so it defaults to the future, except when it is used for the past.
I would not agree that any of these are subjunctive, they are indicative, plain facts. An "if", at least an implied "if" is necessary for a subjunctive, or a wish.
I found other sentences with similar constructions.
- 每天出门的时候,大家会看到各种各样的颜色。can't remove 会,会=can/will
Every day when we go out, we (can) all see many different colours.
On the way, you will see two rose bushes.
On the left-hand side of Pine Street, you will see the Town Hall.
We will see more scenery on foot.
- 他有时间的时候,(他)会 陪着我一起在阳台上晒太阳。can't remove 会 , 会=can/will
When he has time, he accompanies me (and) together we soak up the sun on the balcony.
We decided he would walk me down the aisle.
They can accompany me, have some fun with me.
I will accompany you.
- 用微信聊天的时候,年轻人会用表情包。 can't remove 会 会=can/will
Using WeChat to chat, young people will often use pictures.
When the call comes, I'll call you over the mike.
He will use an iron sceptre to rule them. (King Charles III ???)
What will a man exchange his soul for?
In 4. and 5. you may discard the 会。Possibly this 会 is:一定,应当:长风破浪会有时。but I can't get anyone to say definitely what it is!
- 冬天的时候,我总是 会 感冒。can remove 会 so what is it?
Wintertime, I always catch a cold/ I'm sure to catch a cold.
We always let off fireworks.
I almost always refuse.
This one always shocks me.
- 它 会 在房间里跑。 can remove 会 so what is it?
It scurries around the room. / It (will??) scurry around the room.
It leaves indelible stains on clothes.
He should arrive within the next half hour.
What a coincidence! I wasn't expecting to see you here.
As for the future, the future is not a probability, the future does not exist! All conceivable futures are merely conjecture, mind games. When a future becomes the past, it is a completely unavoidable certainty, albeit as yet unknown to you.
Thinking about time and space caused Professor Richard Conn Henry to write to the American Academy of Physics to tell them: "Everything is in the mind!"