CC-CEDICT: 优势 (yōu​shì​) superiority / dominance / advantage

I recall at one point having a conversation with a Chinese person about international travel, and regarding my passport, I said something like:


This could translate to either:

My (Australian) passport is superior.
My (Australian) passport has advantages.

Objectively, I mean that I can go to many countries without a visa, unlike people on a Chinese passport. But in hindsight, the way I expressed it sounds rude, arrogant, and elitist.

Question: Would it be considered rude to describe my Australian passport as having 优势 ("superiority"), and is there a better phrasing?

Maybe there's a more tactful (委婉) way of expressing this concept.

  • 1
    Maybe 很有 vs. 比较有, i.e.: is comparatively advantageous. | 免签 is also a word you might want to know.
    – Mou某
    Commented Jul 27, 2023 at 7:06
  • Personally, I would drop 我的護照 if it's clear from context that you're an Australian citizen and say 澳洲護照 instead. I would also drop broad sweeping-statements like 優勢 if you're talking about going to specific countries, and say 澳洲護照去某某國家不用簽證.
    – dROOOze
    Commented Jul 27, 2023 at 7:26

4 Answers 4


To be more 委婉, I may use 方便 (convenient) instead of 优势.


This phrasing is not rude, but if you want to be more tactful, you may say it even more objectively:

我的護照可以免簽證去很多國家。(literally "I can go to many countries without a visa with my passport.")



You shall supplement this sentence with a clause to avoid the sense of "superiority".

  • 出國旅遊, 我的护照很佔/具优势。- The passport I held is much more advantageous in foreign travel.

  • 出國旅遊, 我的护照很方便/好使/好用 - The passport I held is more convenient for foreign travel.

It would be more clear if "我" is replaced with the name of a specific country, such as "美國/新加坡/..的护照".


go to many countries without a visa

the proper term is [visitor] visa waiver, or visa exemption.

so, maybe you can say:

my [aussie] passport is more visa-waived

my [aussie] passport is more visa-exempted

have fun :)

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