What is the difference between saying 相互尊重 and 柤互尊重. I heard Chinese foreign minister use the latter phrase. But does 柤互 on its own mean anything, and why use this instead of the former phrase? 柤 vs 相?
3 Answers
I think you saw the phrase in writing rather than hearing it. The pronunciations, meanings, and uses of these two words are very different.
相 has the following pronunciations:
[xiāng] - 交互。(相互 [xiānghù] - each other, mutual)
[xiàng] - 容貌,物体的外观, 察看,判断....
柤 has three pronunciations:
[zhā] - 同“樝(楂)”。果木名。即山楂。
[zǔ] - 通“俎”。古代的祭器。
[zū] - 春秋时楚地名。故址在今江苏省邳州市西北。
Thanks. You are right - I listened again and it did sound like “xianghu”. What’s puzzling is that when I used google translate, 柤互 translated to “mutual”. So I thought it had a different nuance. I guess google translate just ignored the 柤 and translated 互.– tiktockCommented Mar 15 at 3:50
Yes, it's quite puzzling. Here is the result from my Google Translate: 柤互[Zhā hù] - Piaohu. When reverse translating, Piaohu - 飘忽[Piāohū] :) No, I think it (柤) was simply a typo of "相".– r13Commented Mar 15 at 18:21
Haha, the characters 相 and 柤 look deceptively similar, especially in small print!
Can't find a word: 柤互zhāhù
It seems the Artificial Intelligence that writes the subtitles, or translates, is not so intelligent!