嫉妒 and 忌妒 both means jealously. 嫉 is second tone and 忌 is fourth tone.

Why are there two words with different intonations for essentially the same meaning? Isn't that superfluous and pointless? Or is there some subtle difference that I'm missing here? Thanks for the help.

5 Answers 5


嫉 implies 'hate'

忌 implies 'fear'

嫉妒 jealous (and hate)

忌妒 jealous (and fear)


I think 嫉妒 and 忌妒 are (通用)同義詞(synonym). Similar to 嫉(同妒), one meaning of 忌 means "hating others who are better than self" - 因别人比自己好而生怨恨 (jealous; be jealous of).


  • 忌前(妒嫉贤才);忌妇(妒妇,善妒的妻子);忌克(忌妒他人才能而想超过他);忌才(嫉妒他人的才华或才能)


  • 嫉诬(因嫉妒而诬告);嫉病(忌妒指责);嫉心(嫉妒之心);嫉毁(嫉妒毁谤)

嫉妒 和 忌 和有什麼不一樣? 「嫉妒」讀「ㄐㄧ妒(二聲)」,「妒忌」讀「妒ㄐㄧ(四聲)」,這兩個詞雖然意思一樣,但「嫉」卻不通「忌」。






  • People here ask questions about the Chinese language, so they may not fully understand your answer. I myself do understand, but many people, especially those seeking help, may not be able to read a full Chinese paragraph like this. This is mainly because Chinese does not have a ChineseLearners.SE site like English, so both those new to the language and those who are already pretty advanced come to this site. Answers need to accommodate both. I suggest you write in English. Commented Oct 4 at 3:51

I think 嫉妒 vs 忌妒/妒忌 is somehow like be jealous vs envy. It can still be nice to tell a friend 我妒忌你/你真令我妒忌 in a joyful voice, but 我嫉妒你 is to start a fight.

Their are some subtle differences. Both words are negative feelings. 嫉妒 is more in hostility, e.g. I feel 嫉妒 about the promotion of my competitor. 妒忌 doesn’t have to imply hostility, the meaning is near to the word envy, e.g. 妒忌 about someone's (good) family relationship. I also think 妒忌 (4th and light tone) now is more often used than 忌妒.

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    Commented Oct 4 at 3:44



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