The following text is taken from the serial of 寒夜:
一直到有一天 一个偶然的机会
我的心事 或者说是我们的心事
一旦捅破 就如同大坝破堤
He's talking about his love for the heroine of the series, then explains how the ice was broken.
捅破 is the problem word here. None of the dictionary definitions seem to fit.
Actually, the following line referring to dams and dykes is also a bit cryptic. I thought a dam and a dyke are pretty similar but that doesn't fit if you want to understand the text.
By the way, I'm in the process of transcribing both 新结婚时代 and 寒夜 with the aim of learning all the vocab and using the audio/video to get a feel for it all in context.
Are the transcribed subtitles of any of these two already available somewhere?