不了了之 is a ChengYu, read as bu4 liao3 liao3 zhi1 its figurative meaning is "to let sth. in its original state". I guess the ChengYu had some concrete verbatim meaning in literary Chinese, but I do not understand it.
If I tried anyway to disclose its verbatim meaning, I would translate it into "if it is not considered as finished, finish it" and by conclusion "If it is considered as finishd, do not finish it", wherein
- 了 = to finish
- 不了 = to not finish, used as noun of the putative form
- 了之 = finish it
- conditional not explicitly written.
(IF)不了-nominalized putative-(THEN)了之 - verb,object pronoun
But actually, this is only a shot in the dark and could be even false grammatical understanding.