In a Cantonese forums, someone posted a question: " how to say 'each other?' or 'one another' in Chinese"
One of the suggestion was:
I thought the simplest way is just to say 大家?
They don't like each other - 佢哋唔中意大家
And my reply to this answer was:
No, 大家 means "everybody "
In "大家都唔鍾意佢哋" ( everybody dislike them) 大家 is the subject, and 佢哋 is the object
If the subject and object switch places in the above sentence, you have to replace 大家 with " 所有人" or " 全部人" and place the object before the subject.
"所有人佢哋都唔鍾意" / "全部人佢哋都唔鍾意"
*you cannot write 大家佢哋都唔鍾意
*佢哋唔鍾意所有人 or 佢哋唔鍾意全部人 sound awkward.
More examples:
大家一齊停手 ( everybody stop at once)
大家都有好處 ( everybody would benefit)
I don't think I have done a good job explaining why 大家 (everybody) cannot be the object for the subject 佢哋. It is a pronoun, and pronouns should be able to become subjects or objects. Would that be because 佢哋 is also a pronoun?
I also know 佢哋唔鍾意所有人 or 佢哋唔鍾意全部人 sound awkward, but can't explain why.