What is the correct word order for words 跑步 and 轻快?
跑步的轻快 (seems like this version is extremely incorrect, also because of wrong character de usage)
I see no issue with 轻快的跑步 when you consider 跑步 (as a whole) a noun word.
If you take 跑步 as a verb, then 轻快地跑步 is ok.
For example,
轻快的跑步能让我们的身心得以放松。 // used as a noun.
我们在操场上轻快地跑步。 // used as a verb
In fact, I'd rather say 跑步 is used as a noun more often than a verb. For example, 跑步是一项很好的运动.
The single character 跑 is often used when serves as a verb, instead of 跑步. For example, 他跑得很快。We wouldn't say 他跑步得很快. This is because we take 跑步 as a noun usually.
So, 轻快的跑步 does make some sense in some circumstances.
跑步轻快 is a possible usage too, because 跑步轻快 could be considered to be the short version of 跑步跑得轻快.
However, 跑步的轻快 is not valid in any case, because 轻快 is adj or adv. You could say 跑步跑得轻快, but 跑步得轻快 is wrong because (as mentioned above) 跑步 is often used as a noun word.
I think the correct version is:
轻快地跑步 (Brisk walking / running)
where you might want to use 地 de, as 轻快 qing1kuai4
here is modifying a verb 跑 pao3
轻快地(not "的")跑步 is the correct order.
Use “地” here because “轻快” modifies the status of “跑步”(verb) as an adverb.
“轻快地跑步” sounds the most natural.
“跑步得轻快” (notice that here the auxiliary is '得' for the adjective is placed after it) will sound rather strange, for '得' is usually followed by a one-character adjective, and preceded by a one-character verb. But it could be still changed to “他跑步跑得很轻快”, adding a '很' to cease the strangeness.
In both sayings, the elements placed in latter positions are emphasized: “轻快地跑步” emphasizes the action “跑步” (He is swiftly running rather than walking/jumping...) while “跑得很轻快” emphasizes the adjective “轻快” (He is a swift runner, not a slow one).
“跑步轻快” is also correct in another scenario, which is the parallel structure: “他跑步轻快,走路潇洒” (He runs swiftly and walks handsomely). Here “跑步” is more like a noun or the English gerund, and “轻快” is a predicate that modifies it.
轻快的跑步 跑步很轻快
跑步轻快 is not a sentence.