Translating the word “forked road” is something interesting!
First, let’s go and look the English word “fork”. In Oxford Dictionary of English, it means “an implement with two or more prongs used for lifting food to the mouth or holding it when cutting” or “the point where something, especially a road or river, divides into two parts”.
And “forked” means “having a divided or pronged end or branches; bifurcated”.
Second, the character 叉(chā) doesn’t mean a implement originally. It means “crossing fingers”. In ancient etiquettes, 叉手 is not the way that western people crossing fingers but actually folding one hand onto the other hand. And it’s expanded meaning is “cross”.
By the way, the implement so-called 叉 might not be the original production in Chinese agricultural history. Because we had our own. Something like “耒, 耜, 耒耜, 铲, 锛”. Only “耒” had been described as “formed like a fork” by later generations. So that 叉 might be imported along some road on the western and northern grasslands of China. How about the ancient Chinese fork-like implement using in fishing? I have no idea.
岔(chà)specifically indicates “the point where something, especially a road or river, divides into two parts”. 岔 is taken about mountain as far as 汊(chà)is about river. While you see, 叉 is taken the meaning of “cross” in 汊.
岔, a bifurcated(分) mountain(山).
汊, a crossed(叉) river(氵).
Technically, it should be written as 岔路(口), and 交叉路(口).
Here’s one more thing, we speak fēn chàr but mostly write it as 分叉(儿) because it’s easy to write but weird to pronounce as fēn chār.