How did the two-part compound 打坐 come to mean "seated meditation"?
What is the function of the character 打 in that compound?
How did the two-part compound 打坐 come to mean "seated meditation"?
What is the function of the character 打 in that compound?
According to the 《佛光大辭典》,
指跏趺而坐 (to sit cross-legged),使心入定 (to settle the mind)。
即指坐禪 (za-zen, to meditate)。
「打」,動作行為之意 (means to do or to act)。
According to the 《汉语大词典》,
谓从事某种工作 (to do some kind of work) 或做出某种行为 (to make some kind of behavior)。
Therefore, the 打 in 打坐 means "to do", and 打坐 is "to do the 靜坐" (to sit still with a peaceful mind).
Since the purpose of 打坐 is to settle the mind, it refers to meditation.
(dan chose 打(38) in the 《汉语大词典》.)
One of sense of 打 is:
与某些动词结合为复词,表示进行之意。E.g. 打扫;打扮
It denotes the continuity of an action. So, 打坐 means sit and continue it on and on, that is, meditation.
打坐 is a whole word meaning meditation. If you separate the character, it doesn't mean anything related to meditation. 打 as a verb means hit.