Could someone please explain me how and when to use these expressions? Is there any difference between the two of them? Is it something like "see you later/see you there/see you soon"?

  • I've no idea about what 不见不错 means, though it sounds quite poetic.
    – Stan
    Commented Mar 7, 2015 at 18:25
  • 2
    孫楠 pairs 不见不散 w "be there or be square"- good song, good translation :) Commented Mar 8, 2015 at 0:12
  • Can you please let us know where you saw the phrase 不见不错? My guess is that it is something that Google Translate threw at you? Commented Mar 11, 2015 at 21:51
  • @MasterSparkles Do you feel that "be there or be square" indicates more of a commitment from the other person whereas 不见不散 indicates a commitment from everyone? Commented Mar 11, 2015 at 21:54
  • @Michael Lai I remember having seen this phrase written on a book, but now I guess I've probably just read wrong. Thanks for the explanation anyway. :)
    – Chiara
    Commented Mar 12, 2015 at 6:33

3 Answers 3


不见不错 - there doesn't seem to be a reference to this phrase to be found... perhaps you could indicate where you saw this?

不见不散 - used to indicate a firm commitment to an appointment, in the sense that if we don't see [不见] each other then we will not leave/scatter [不散] (i.e. keep waiting).

  • If it is to another person and you want to make sure the other person waits for you then it means "don't leave before I get there".

  • If you are indicating that you'll be waiting for the other person then it means "I am not leaving until I see you".

  • If it is to a group of people then it means "no one's going anywhere until we all get there".


不见不错 is gobbledigook. 不见不散 means that you will in fact agree to meet someone, that you are really committed to it.

See you later is 再见 or 回头见.


不见不散, not see not walk, "wait for me, don't leave"

不见不错 is not an everyday phrase. Maybe it is meant to mean

见不到也没事, "If you don't see me (there) don't worry."

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