The primary meaning of 板 is 'board'. So why does 老板 or 'old board' mean 'boss, chief'?

  • search online: 老板是怎么来源的 zhidao.baidu.com/question/243262442.html one explanation:旧时有人在将Chairman of the board(董事长)翻译成中文时便戏称其为“板”,按中国人说话的习惯,在称谓前再加一个“老”字,于是便成了“老板”。经长期流传使用,“老板”一词早已经由最初的戏称演变为一般称呼。
    – user6065
    Commented Aug 12, 2017 at 8:58
  • 闆 is made up with 門 and 品. 門 represents the door, 品 represents the counter or reception of a store, a restaurant, a hotel, etc.
    – xenophōn
    Commented Aug 14, 2017 at 2:41
  • @user6065 老板字的同音替代,和 board 的翻译无关。
    – xenophōn
    Commented Aug 14, 2017 at 2:47
  • So it means originally the shopkeeper? Commented Aug 15, 2017 at 8:39
  • @ChristopherLord 老闆 means shopkeeper at first, but now the meaning expands wide. The top leaders of a company or coreration are also called 老板. 板 in simplified Chinese is the hmophonic substitution for 闆 in traditional Chinese.
    – xenophōn
    Commented Aug 17, 2017 at 11:53

1 Answer 1


The reason behind why boss/老板 uses the word "板" is due to the simplifying of the Chinese characters for boss. To get a better understanding, we need to look at the traditional characters, that being 老闆.

(simplified) and (traditional) and were originally two different words. meanings board, as we can see the (wood) radical.

is the word for a person in charge of a business. Like @xenophōn stated, it's made up of 門(door) and 品(product), giving an image of a product behind the counter/door.

As for , it's used as a 前缀/prefix for 尊敬/Respect. Like the following for showing respect:

  • 老王(old + lastname, Wang)
  • 老公(husband), 老婆(wife)
  • 老鼠(Rat), 老虎(Tiger)
  • 老外(Foreigner)

For 老鼠(Rat) and 老虎(Tiger), it had interesting reasoning behind them. According to this: https://www.sohu.com/a/669631511_121249627

老鼠(Rat): Rats has a long life. To show respect, Chinese uses 老鼠 and avoid using the word 耗子.

老虎(Tiger): 老 is used to show tigers being 威猛/fierce and brave. Avoiding the word 大虫.

For 老外(Foreigner): Some would think that using the word is used as an offense upon hearing it. However, it's actually used as a prefix for respect as stated before.

老板 is originally suppose to be 老闆. It combines the prefix for respect,"老" and the word for a person in charge of a business "闆". To become "老闆".

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