In the following answer over 知乎:


What does B格 mean? I'm sure it is an Internet slang, but not sure what it means.

According to 百度百科:


But then what does it mean...?

  • 2
    bkrs: 逼格 (Ru)slang. (high) level of expertise in pretense,hypocrisy 格调① 指不同作家或不同作品的艺术特点的综合表现:格调高稚。 ② 〈书〉指人的风格或品格。 (1) [literary or artistic style]∶诗歌的格律声调。 亦泛指作品的艺术风格 先定格调 格调豪放 这部影片低级庸俗, 格调不高 格调高雅 (2) [one's style of work as well as one's moral quality]∶人的风格或品格 谁爱风流高格调, 共怜时世俭梳妆。 --《唐诗纪事·秦韬玉》 (3) [form; style]∶格式; 式样 山势和水势在这里别是一种格调, 变化而又和谐。 --《雨中登泰山》
    – user6065
    Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 5:43

2 Answers 2


It's a net language. It's like poser noun and pretentious adjective in English. It reminds me a similar word: zhuang-bility(装逼), which denotes the same meaning. B格 is just the extent of zhuang-bility(装逼).

So, 略有B格的一句话 means the sentence with a tone of being slightly pretentious.

  • What do you mean "zhuang-bility", not "zhuang-bi"?
    – Blaszard
    Commented Jul 16, 2018 at 1:18
  • @Blaszard, "zhuang-bility" is coined by some Chinese people. It stands for the English version of "zhuang-bi"(装逼), because -bility is a standard suffix in English. "zhuang-bility" is more interesting than "zhuang-bi" in a sense of humor.
    – dan
    Commented Jul 16, 2018 at 1:31
  • As a matter of fact, using zhuang-bility instead zhuang-bi is also a form of 有B格.
    – Li Wang
    Commented Sep 6, 2022 at 4:08

A close reading the text convinced me "B格" stands for "蔽隔“--isolation. One meaning of 蔽 (bì) is "hidden", and "隔 (gé) means "cut off". The writer of that passage is talking about how he/she deals with the sense of isolation (and maybe alienation) living in a foreign country where everyone (including friends) is busy, so he/she is left to his/her own devices to deal with the sense of isolation. In the quoted text, the writer approaches the topic as an intellectual subject matter, pondering whether it's his/her own lack of high-minded areas of interest that exacerbated his/her loneliness ("是我境界不高,还是我乐趣恶俗").

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