This sentence is translated by the author as:
Later, he learnt wing chun from a master of wing chun, Yip Man.
The middle part is interesting for me: 他又拜叶问为师. It is clear that 叶问 is a proper name, 为师 means "as master", "as teacher". But...
- What is 又 doing here? Does it mean "again"? It doesn't make sense to me to put "again" here.
- 拜 means "to worship", but in English translation there's no "worship". And it'd be strange to use it. Is 拜 + person + 为 + role pattern a fixed expression? When should I use it and when I shouldn't? It sounds extremely official to me, but maybe it's only my European feeling. Could someone explain this expression thoroughly?
The sentence appears here in 1:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-D91bQCinE . In case the context isn't clear.