I am looking through my text book and I came across some words like: 游游泳, 化化妆, 散散步.
What is the difference between those and their regular counterparts 游泳, 化妆, 散步?
I am looking through my text book and I came across some words like: 游游泳, 化化妆, 散散步.
What is the difference between those and their regular counterparts 游泳, 化妆, 散步?
'with AA Pattern' indicates the action occur in a slight degree, brief time period or casual manner
看- to look; 看看- to look briefly
走- to walk; 走走- to walk briefly
敲- to knock; 敲敲- to knock slightly
嘗- to taste; 嘗嘗- to slightly taste
Another form of Reduplication 'with A一A Pattern' indicates the action occur in a single instance, slight degree, brief time period or casual manner
看- to look; 看一看- take a look/ to look briefly
走- to walk; 走一走- take a walk/ to walk briefly
敲- to knock; 敲一敲- knock once/ to knock slightly
嘗- to taste; 嘗一嘗- taste once/ to slightly taste
For verbs that are made up of a two characters like 游泳, 散步, you only need to reduplicate the first character.
游泳- to swim; 游游泳- to swim casually (or briefly)
散步- to take a walk; 散散步- to talk a walk casually (or briefly)
I would say "游游泳" vs "游泳", 游游泳 is more casual. Kinda 游游泳 is more like go swim, while 游泳 is just 'swim'. So, you could deem 'XXY' as 'go XY'. 散散步 kinda like go walk/go for a walk/go walking, something like this.