
Guō xiānsheng


  1. Mr. Guo

  2. (slang) dildo

  • Is this correct?

Aside from an Almaany dictionary entry:

Translation and Meaning of 郭先生 in Almaany English-Chinese Dictionary


郭先生 ( 女子手淫用的人造男性生殖器 ), 振动器 , ( 为性欢愉的 ) 人造阳具

I'm not really finding any corroborating evidence.

  • And, if 郭先生 really does mean dildo how did it get it's name?

2 Answers 2


From what I could find,

  • 「郭先生」is a Southern Chinese topolect word for「角先生」; I suppose that's believable as「郭」and「角」sound more similar in Southern topolects than northern ones (and they appear to be identically pronounced in Hakka). This makes「郭」a euphemism for「角」.
  • Folk etymology has「角」relating to dildo due to either
    1. Dildos being originally made of animal horns, hence「角」;
    2. Dildos being literally called ramming devices (觸器), and character explanations for「觸」are something like 从角蜀聲.

「郭」sounding like cock is probably a coincidence. Although the expression「角先生」seems to have arisen (or become more widespread) during the latter half of the Qing dynasty and according to dictionaries English was using cock as a slang for penis by that time, dildos existed for centuries before that, and it is unlikely that a word for dildo would come from British slang but wasn't first introduced by the British.

See also the Baidu article; CAUTION: NSFW, has a picture of a dildo on the top (all other sites trying to describe this seem to use the same explanations).


Never heard of 郭先生, But it is obviously a transliteration (more like 'sound-alike') of "Mr. Cock"

'Cock'(male chick- 公雞) is a nickname for 'penis' in English.

Coincidentally, '雞巴' is also a nickname for penis in Chinese

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