Strictly speaking, the word formations between 加载 and 载入 are a little different; however, as Alex has said, both are acceptable in your case.
加载(verb) = 加(verb, add) + 载(verb, load)
载入(verb) = 载(verb, load) + 入(preposition, in/into)
Notice: both 加载 and 载入 can be used as a transitive verb or an intransitive verb.
In most cases, they are interchangeable; however, because 入 in 载入 has implied a preposition, if they are used just before a prepositional phrase, they act in different ways. For example:
These data should be loaded into the cache.
这些 数据 应当 加载 到 缓冲。
这些 数据 应当 载入 (到) 缓冲。
As 载入 has implied 入(in), the preposition 到(to) can be omitted. In contrast, if you omit 到 in the first sentence, the sentence
[Warning! May be ambiguous.] 这些数据应当加载缓冲。
is (most likely) considered as
These data should load the (contents of the) cache.
So, as you see in this 加载/载入+prepositional phrase
case, they are not equivalent.