In a 1933 silent movie, a guy is rejected by a girl who instead marries a rich guy. His friends tell him the marriage won't last long because rich guys have "easy come, easy go" lifestyles. Months later, when they learn that the marriage indeed broke up, they simply declare "如何.".
What is the meaning of 如何 in this context, and how does it relate to the dictionary definitions of 如何 as "how", "what", "why", "怎樣", "怎麼辦"? Is this an outdated usage, or still in use?
Thanks in advance for any help.
EDITS: 1. The original post stated: 'they simply declare "如何"'. The post was edited by zyy to 'they simply declare "如何?"' (appended question mark). It's not clear to me why this was changed to a question, given that the post's title states "a single-word declarative sentence". I just checked the video again and the actual intertitle is "如何.". (with period at end). See it at the 78:39 mark of
- Added clarification: this is a silent movie, so the "如何." is written, not spoken.