I know 二百五 stands for foolish/stupid and I assume I have to add up 二百五, 三八 and 二 to it to obtain 二百九. Is this right and if so, what does 二 mean and where did it get it's meaning?

  • 4
    You're right. 二 is an internet slang in China, means stupid. But 三八 is not only "stupid", it also describes "a person who is like talking gossip (especially refer to a woman)".
    – Stan
    Commented Oct 4, 2013 at 12:40
  • 1
    二 is just short for 二百五; that's all there is to it. Commented Oct 4, 2013 at 14:10
  • 2
    @congusbongus I believe it's short for 二逼 (as it's an offensive word, the short form 二 will sound a little better by avoiding the profanity character "逼/屄").
    – Stan
    Commented Oct 4, 2013 at 14:23
  • 1
    Doesn't seem to be internet slang... It is a slang in Northern China, then spread on the internet by those students who study in PK...
    – user58955
    Commented Oct 4, 2013 at 16:43
  • @user58955 二逼 and 二百五 are definitely not internet slang. I mean the simplified form 二 may evolve during the Internet age. Like "给力", it originates from dialect, but its Chinglish form "geliable" would be better to be considered as internet slang.
    – Stan
    Commented Oct 4, 2013 at 17:27

3 Answers 3



Comes from "March" (3, 三) "Eighth" (8, 八):


March Eighth (International Working Women's Day)

and then evolved into what it means today (stupid, foolish, batty, gossipy, bitchy). It has no relation to 二百五.



过去银子五百两为一封, 二百五十两为半封, 谐音“半疯”。借指带有傻气、做事鲁莽的人。

Basically 250 = 半封 which sounds like 半疯 or half-crazy.


  1. “二”是河南一带的方言俚语,其来源是“二蛋”简称,“二蛋”的同义语有“二球”、“二杆子”、“二性(这里的“性”读轻声)”,意思均指某人鲁莽爱拼命,或指稍微冒犯即给对方以极不相称的极不必要的数十倍的攻击。一般人们通常会说,“这个人‘二’的很,别惹他”;“那家伙真‘二’,就说他一句掂砖头朝头上砸过去了”。 河南方言形容这类行为的说法是“脑子一热,不顾一切”(用河南话念,很押韵合辙)。

      我再补充一点,三楼的第二点:“应该是做形容词用。 比如东北常说,你咋那么“二”呢!等等 ”之意思正是“二蛋”之意,你咋那么“二”呢!是避讳不雅字眼,完整的应该说“你咋那么二蛋(或二球、二性、二杆子)呢!”也就是出傻气的意思。




      2.  2据说是原来人们称呼的250的简称。人们后来觉得叫人家250有些直接了当的辱骂,显得自己多么不文明,没素质,就简化成2了。







      b:陕西方言,常用于形容一个人分不清场合,掂不来轻重,说话不过大脑,做事不想后果。如“二怂,二锤子”。例,那个人二得很! 或形容自己听到惊人且不能理解的言论时的心理状况,如“我二了”。


tl;dr: or don't understand chinese:
1. came from topolect
2. shortening of 250

  • +1. Quite comprehensive.
    – Stan
    Commented Jul 15, 2014 at 6:25

We Chinese don't say "二百九" but just "二百五" to describe someone is foolish, a typical example is:


Besides we also have "二货"、“二B(Chinese character:屄;Chinese pronuncation: bi)”,This is a offensive saying that is always used to abuse others when you are angry or despise others (very very dirty!), so PLEASE DON'T USE THAT.

"二" can be also used traditionally in the north dialect of China, meaning "foolish". It can be used as an adjective word——e.g:



二 is the simple Chinese ,it is the same meaning as 贰 in traditional Chinese,贰 means rebel,so 二 is a bad word in Chinese.

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