Why 他妈的 means fuck
I just started learning Chinese and kinda understood why many combinations of character means that in English but here
Why 他妈的 means fuck
I just started learning Chinese and kinda understood why many combinations of character means that in English but here
的 here doesn't mean target, it is functioning as a possessive marker that marks the subject before it possesses the object after it.
他妈的 literally means " his mother's " -- short for 'his mother's (swearing word)'
他妈的 is mostly used as an exclamation that expresses displeasure or anger similar to 'damn it' in English
It is short for 肏他妈的屄
, to fuck his mother's cunt
. The full phrase is often considered to be too vulgar even for slang, thus the omission.
Interestingly the phrase and the words 肏
and 屄
are never taught in China, so most people do not use or cannot read these two words. The phrase is almost always passed down orally, so much so that it is often written incorrectly as 操他妈的逼。
Because "mother" is used for insult in Chinese.
Mandarin Examples of f-words:
肏你妈 [cào nǐ mā] Fuck your mom
你妈屄 [nǐ mā bī] Your mom's cunt.
肏你妈的屄 [cào nǐ mā de bī] Fuck your mom's cunt
Sometimes people just omit the f-words and use the "mom" only, such as
你妈的 [nǐ mā de] your mom's
他妈的 [tā mā de] his mom's