Could someone please help explain to me what '收尸' means?
I'm learning what this '收尸' words mean, I've looked in ichiba, ichacha and mdbg and I still couldn't understand.
They all said that the meaning is 'bury the dead', but when I saw some of the sentences they showed as examples, some of them showed '收尸' as 'corpse'.
Is '收尸' considered as one 'word'? Or is it: '收'=verb '尸'=object?
Also, one of the example I completely didn't understand is: - '她是法络德.翁海尔的养女, 为他的收尸人跑腿. ' - The adopted daughter of Pharod Wormhair, she runs errands for his Collectors. I assumed it's supposed to be 'she is Fa Luo De, Wang Hai Er's adopted daughter, ....' I can't understand the '收尸人' in the continuation of that sentence.