
I have this sentence from my textbook that is very confusing to me.


First I understand it's meant to mean along the lines of: "Look at this one, not only in respect to price but also quality, it is worth considering."

If anyone could help breaking it down. I have some questions,

My first question is what does 从。。。看 mean?

Second: are (在)。。。方面 and (在)。。。上 the same?

Lastly what is 是。。。的 at the end? I think the 的 being used at the end modally to express certainty but then what is 是? I didn't think it was used like this with verbs/adjectives.

Thanks for the help!

3 Answers 3


Inspect this thing from xxx side.
(在)。。。方面, (在)。。。上
They are different expression of same meaning as the above.

都 是 值得 考虑 的。
is short for
(价格) (和) (质量) 都 是 值得 考虑 的 (因素)。
the "是" means "are".
Both price and quality are worth considering aspects.
can be shorted as
Both are worth considering.

  • "从"价格方面"看", 还是"从"质量上"看" - looking from the side of price or looking from/on the side/aspect of quality...

  • "在价格方面"看", 还是"在"质量上"看" - looking at/on the side/aspect of price, or looking at/on the side/aspect of quality...

  • "都是"值得"考虑的" - "both are" worth "to be considered"


For the last question:



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