Okay, what happened was, RIME was holding old data anytime I made a change to the settings or any external files associated with the RIME.
My problem was that anytime I typed a sentence, RIME would pull up Simplified characters the majority of the time so it became a hassle to go and look for the Traditional Characters.
I am now using RIME WITH TRADITIONAL CHARACTERS with Shuangpin successfully (using the luna_pinyin dictionary :) ).
For anyone wondering, I removed RIME entirely. Then I went into
That's where RIME holds your data EVEN IF you uninstall, so you must remove the whole "RIME" folder from
Since RIME doesn't come with Shuangpin installed, I had to go look for the schema(layout) on github (which is usually named 'double_pinyin' aka Shuangpin)
I found this one: https://github.com/kanlac/Rime-MS-shuangpin
Then I reinstalled. After reinstallation, I went into the settings and at the bottom of the settings box where it says "Control+grave" in the white field, I clicked the bottom underneath that said
獲取更多輸入方案 (Get more input schemes)
In the command prompt, I copied and pasted
and pressed enter and it automatically installed the correct Shuangpin layout for me
Then restart RIME so the new settings take effect
Lastly, all I had to do was go into the settings and deselect all the input methods that I am not gonna use, and only select 微软双拼 (Weiruan Shuangpin), then click 中 twice (once to finish the current window and the next to choose your color scheme)
edit: the picture attached below that says "simplified" just means the Title of the layout is in simplified format, but the actual way it is prioritizing the list when I type is now by Traditional