张连跃, 英语背景 CSL 学习者特异性混淆词语特征探析, 2019.
The above paper analyzes Chinese words which are problematic for native-English speakers in particular. The author lists 5 ways in which vocabulary can be misused, but I don't quite grasp the author's 5-th point above.
It seems to be pointing out that the students are using 非常用词 (uncommonly used words) as 常用词 (commonly used words). However, the given example involves 推荐 vs. 建议, which I feel are both commonly used words.
Question: Why does 张连跃 (2019) give the example sentence 我推荐你跟本地人一起住,这样可以事半功倍 to discuss problems with misused commonly/uncommonly-used words?
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be paying attention to here.