I've searched in here and elsewhere on the web and couldn't find the answer.
What's the percentage of the most common characters (say, top 5000) that underwent simplification?
Thank you!
I've searched in here and elsewhere on the web and couldn't find the answer.
What's the percentage of the most common characters (say, top 5000) that underwent simplification?
Thank you!
according to http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4d3f04b40100ffxk.html 有学者王鼎吉统计:以国家语委、国家教委1988年1月26日联合发布的《现代汉语常用字表》为例,在3500个常用字中,有简化字1116个,占31.9%,即不到三分之一 there are 31.9% character undergo simplification in the most common 3500 characters.