Apparently there are quite a lot of characters that are pronounced as "sheng". (According to Pleco: 生、声、省、升、胜、圣、剩,盛、牲、绳、笙、甥、嵊、眚、乘、昇、晟、渑、㗂,呏,曻、泩、陞、鼪)
Which of these could plausibly be used as a (single character) male given name?
Apparently there are quite a lot of characters that are pronounced as "sheng". (According to Pleco: 生、声、省、升、胜、圣、剩,盛、牲、绳、笙、甥、嵊、眚、乘、昇、晟、渑、㗂,呏,曻、泩、陞、鼪)
Which of these could plausibly be used as a (single character) male given name?
[省] as in 自省 (introspection) it is very meaningful as a name, but 省 can also mean province, may cause confusion
The following are very common single character names:
[盛] as in 強盛 (powerful and prosperous)
[胜] as in 胜利 (victory)
[昇] as in 高昇 (rise high)
升 and 陞 also mean rise, but as a name, 昇 is the most standard one
The following are questionable:
牲 as in 牲口 (livestock) - very bad as a name
剩 as in 剩余 (left-over; surplus; remaining) - not suitable as a name
生 as in 生存(alive) 生命(life) - rare used in name because 生 is also a verb for give birth
声 as in 声音(sound) - not very meaningful as a name
圣 as in 神圣(holy) - too arrogant as a name
甥 (nephew) - not suitable as a name
乘 (ride)- not very meaningful as a name
绳 (rope) - not common as a name
The following are obscure Chinese characters, not suitable as common names: