Serial verb constructions are several verbs in sequence constituting one single predicate to describe a whole event.
Example from Wikipedia: 我(I) 坐(sit) 飞机(aircraft) 从(depart) 上海(Shanghai) 到(arrive) 北京(Beijing) 去(travel)
我 坐飞机从上海到北京去
Serial verb constructions are several verbs in sequence constituting one single predicate to describe a whole event.
Example from Wikipedia: 我(I) 坐(sit) 飞机(aircraft) 从(depart) 上海(Shanghai) 到(arrive) 北京(Beijing) 去(travel)
我 坐飞机从上海到北京去
Wikipedia has several categories of serialization. I'll try to provide one example for each. With my lousy word-for-word translations. Note that there is no strict definition of the categories; Even serialization itself don't have a strict definition.
From 《老子》:
道可道,非常道。 -- Tao can tell, not common tao.
In one of 元稹's poem:
垂死病中惊坐起 -- Almost dying sickness inside shockingly sat got-up.
In 苏轼's 《水调歌头》:
我欲乘风归去 -- I want take wind return leave.
王安石's poem:
明月何时照我还 -- Bright moon what time shine me return.