我分管该公司研究部大消费组6个消费类行业。 I'm in charge of 6 consumer industries of the research department in this company. I don't understand 大消费组. It seems to be redundant.

Why is 大消费组 used here? What does it mean in this sentence?

  • Very bad English and/or translation. Put some more context. The sentence before and the sentence after for instance. "I am in charge of 6 consumer industries of the Big Consumption Team in the research department of this company." is not acceptable.
    – Pedroski
    Commented May 4, 2015 at 4:17
  • 大消费 seems to be referring to 高消費者, i.e., premium customers.
    – Henry HO
    Commented May 5, 2015 at 3:18

1 Answer 1


I don't think you should omit it. It's something like Big Consumption Team/Division in the research department. It denotes the Team "I" work in, whereas 消费类行业 denotes the target industries "I" work on/am in charge of.

Thus, the sentence should be,

I am in charge of 6 consumer industries of the Big Consumption Team in the research department of this company.

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