In the old daoist text Zhuang Zi, we see 登假 at least twice in the Inner Chapters (5.1 and 6.2).

In the first part, it gives the meaning of departure and "going up" (to isolation in the mountains? To the heavens above?). In the second part, it gives the meaning of ascension, of reaching a higher goal (grasp the Dao).

I also saw some references to the death of an emperor or king.

I know 登 means ascend, climb, but 假 means fake, suppose or vacation. What's the contribution of 假 to the meaning observed in the Zhuang Zi translations, or even to the death of a king?

  • baike.baidu.com/view/7112619.htm gives the meaning of 已 "stop" to 假.
    – Rodrigo
    Commented Jun 14, 2016 at 2:23
  • The link you posted has given some explanations, like 登假即登格也。 and 假,至也。上至於道也。.
    – user4072
    Commented Jun 14, 2016 at 5:32
  • Indeed. I read only the first part yesterday. Thank you!
    – Rodrigo
    Commented Jun 14, 2016 at 14:30

1 Answer 1


from Kangxi Dicitionary: the 13th meaning of

It pronounces as , means 'arrive'. Example sentence from Yi Cuigua: The King arrives at the ancestral temple.


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