I was looking at a Chinese poster for the new Suicide Squad movie:
I saw the phrase '各有各劲抽.' What does this mean? 'Each one has powers,' or something like that?
Thank you, Rachel
I was looking at a Chinese poster for the new Suicide Squad movie:
I saw the phrase '各有各劲抽.' What does this mean? 'Each one has powers,' or something like that?
Thank you, Rachel
well, it's a popular slang in hong kong, most of the time it's "勁揪"; however, when one say it, the pronunciation of "揪" is slightly changed to "抽"
"kick ass", "smash", "rock" are some possible translations.
勁 (u+52c1) is "strong, powerful, sturdy"
揪 (u+63ea) is "to fight"
so, it's roughly "good at fighting" --> "wonderful, powerful".
抽 (u+62bd), is "pull, levy, whip"; which has the syllable of what we pronounce; and, 抽 is more common, civilised.
so "各有各勁抽" in the poster, roughly means "members are good at fighting individually"
if you pronounce it correctly, you're 勁揪 😼
have fun :)