"I have found what I've been longing for" "I have found who I've been longing for"
Which translation would be appropriate? Can 东西 refer to a person instead of thing in this sentence?
don't use 東西 for a person, it is for angry only and negative assessment. 他也不是個什么好東西。(he is not a good man). when you translate such statement into Chinese, you can just make sure appending a '的' at end. In Chinese '的' following a verb can be used for 'what xxx (a pronoun) yyyy (a verb)'. so 我找到了梦寐以求的。
the first one is correct "I have found what I've been longing for" . It can not be interpreted as a person in the sentence.
Yeah ,you can refer somebody as 东西, but only in negative or question. That means that one has surpassed the levels of 普通人 and 好人, however not yet reached 混蛋 and 垃圾.
张三: 他经常背后说我坏话.
李四: 真不是东西.
张三: 你是个什么东西, 敢在背后说我坏话.
王五: 对, 我没素质, 我不是东西, 那又怎么样?