Consider the following two English sentences:
- The song is called "Name 1" on "Website 1".
- The song is called "Name 2" on "Website 2".
I can combine these two sentences to read:
The song is called "Name 1" on "Website 1" and "Name 2" on "Website 2".
The subject and verb are dropped.
Now consider the same two sentences in Chinese:
- 這首歌在「Website 1」上線被稱為「Name 1」。
- 這首歌在「Website 2」上線被稱為「Name 2」。
How do I similarly join clauses in Chinese if a different location is specified in the two clauses? Does it work the same as if no location was specified (i.e., just use 和)?
這首歌在「Website 1」上線被稱為「Name 1」和在「Website 2」上線「Name 2」。
The preceding text seems like it may be incorrect to me because the omitted verb occurs between the location and object.
It seems that I can also use 也, but that apparently requires repeating the verb, which I’d like to avoid to reduce verbosity:
這首歌在「Website 1」上線被稱為「Name 1」, 也在「Website 2」上線被稱為「Name 2」。