In the following sentence:
小姐见他有点儿犹豫,便有声有色地向他介绍吸粉的妙处。这时,他想起了,“在社会上混,什么都得尝试尝试” 这句常挂在嘴边上的话,便点点头答应了。
Regarding this usage of 的话, the first I came up with is the use of "If ~, then ..." structure. But this lacks the two fundamental points:
It lacks 如果. But I know it has no problem grammatically, and the omission of 如果 is common.
It lacks 就 in the main clause. If subclause is 如果~的话, then the main clause needs 就, 那, or 那么.
So my questions are:
Is my understanding that the usage of 的话 here is "If ~"?
If it is correct, is it acceptable to use 便 in the main clause instead of 就 or 那?
The sentence also sounds a bit awkward, meaning:
If this sentence always hangs on the mouse, (he) nodded the head.
Which sounds a bit awkward. "As long/far as" or just use "so" sound more natural for me, like:
This sentence always hangs on the mouse, so he nodded the head.
So how does 的话 work here and what is the correct meaning of the sentence?