Assume Bob is sitting on the couch.
In Mandarin, how would Alice politely ask Bob to move over and make room for her?
Is this different for Cantonese?
Assume Bob is sitting on the couch.
In Mandarin, how would Alice politely ask Bob to move over and make room for her?
Is this different for Cantonese?
There are a lot of ways to ask people to move aside to give room
能請你坐開些嗎? (would you please sit aside a little?)
能請你騰一騰空位嗎? (would you please make some room for me?)
唔該坐過啲 (please site aside a bit)
唔該坐開小小 (please sit aside a little)
In Cantonese, to ask people to move aside, we say 唔該借一借, or 唔該借歪, you can use these phrase in your example too