I tried several sources & can't find a translation that seems correct.

An example sentence & my attempt at translation:


mouth inside left behind remove a strip of thread what to do?

"There's a thread (of stitches?) left behind (not removed) in my mouth, what should I do?"

漏 means "missed" or "left behind" 拆 means "to dismantle" or "take down"

So 漏 is modifying the verb 拆 to make it mean "not dismantled or taken down", sort of.

Is my understanding correct? Can 漏 modify other verbs in this way?

Thanks in advance for any teaching!

  • 1
    When there's a wound in mouth, the doctor would suture it. And when the wound recovers, the stitches should be removed. So, "嘴里漏拆了一根线" means the omission of a careless doctor who hasn't removed all stitches in the mouth ...
    – Stan
    Commented Nov 21, 2013 at 15:03

2 Answers 2


First of all, "There's stitches left behind (not removed) in my mouth, what should I do?" is a good translation.

Yes,漏 can modify other verbs. It means someone forgot to do something or some action has been missed.


A:"How you feel about the question 31 in the exam?"

B:"OMG, I didn't notice there was a question 31!"


B:"天啊! 我漏做了!"


This isn't actually a word. When you study Chinese, you shouldn't regard any pair of characters as a meaningful word. If you also study 文言文,you will find that people in ancient times often used only one character as a verb or a noun. That's why there are so many characters no longer used today: people use two-character words to express the meanings that were originally represented by a single character.

Nowadays, there are still many occasions in Chinese that people use only one character as one word. So you have to learn how to partition a sentence into several meaningful blocks.

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