Dictionaries give 课,话题,题目,科目,学科。

I'm sure they all have their unique nuances but I want to use ''subject'' in the context of:

My favourite subject is maths. 数学是我最喜欢的___.

I do 8 subjects in school. 我要学习八个___.

Which term is most appropriate here ?

On a related note, what is the formal classifier for subject in my second phrase instead of 个?

2 Answers 2

  • 课(also 课程):a session or a series of sessions on a subject
  • 话题:topic
  • 题目:a question (on a test paper. Your dictionary probably assumed you meant subject as in title, such as that in an Email.)
  • 科目、学科:subject (as a discipline), with 科目 being a bit elementary, and 学科 being more advanced.

So 科目 probably fit your 2 scenarios best.

Related note: 门,as in 八门课程,etc.


Which subjects are you taking at school?

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