Li Zhi's folk song Memory of Zhengzhou (关于郑州的记忆) contains this verse:
Most of this is straightforward to understand, but line 3 and 4 are a bit puzzling. I understand them to mean:
Mist drifts past her young neck
To now, it has never dissipated.
This seems odd, as the singer is talking about lover in the past tense, someone who liked sunshine in the wintertime and the smell of coal smoke in the alleys of Zhengzhou. All fairly normal human things. But lines 3 and 4 seem to change to something different. It's as if he's not talking about a human person anymore. Maybe Zhengzhou is misty sometimes and he's identifying his lover with the city?
Why would Li Zhi say that mist drifts (or drifted) past her neck and it hasn't dissipated?