I'm trying to figure out how to say unsurprisingly; I know that 果然 generally implies that you expect that something is going to happen, but in some contexts I'm not entirely sure if it is most appropriate. For example, if I asked a friend if I could go with him and his family to dinner, I would like to say

"John, unsurprisingly, said "of course""

Would this be

John 果然 说 “当然可以”。 or is there a better way to imply this?

2 Answers 2


果然 if we want to get all pedantic about this means, like you wrote, 'as expected'.

Oxford defines unsurprisingly as:


unsurprisingly, she didn't show up


Here we have two choices: (1)不足为奇, (2)不出所料...

and again defines unsurprising as:


it is unsurprising that...


adding a third: (3) 不出预料

Like you mentioned at the beginning though 果然 would work just fine here...along with the three mentioned above (不足为奇, 不出所料, 不出预料) and a host of others:





take your pick...


It depends on your context.

In daily conversation, "John果然說"當然可以"" is OK and it seems that there's no better way to imply that.

In literature or formal speech, however, "果然" is not recommended. I prefer to say "不意外地, John說"當然可以""

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