Example: 在求过于供下,自然抢高租金。 (raising the price)
抢高 is the verb (predicate), and 租金 is the object. The subject is not provided explicitly in the sentence, but according to the predicate 抢 (compete, rush), the subject is the 租户 (renters).
抢高 is a composite verb (or verb phrase) in the form of verb + adverb.
It is a popular form of composite verbs in Chinese which are of the form verb + adverb. The adverb is the result or consequence of the action in most cases. For example,
推高 = to push upward.
压低 = to compress downward.
写错 = to write incorrectly.
Another form of composite verbs in Chinese is in the form verb + verb (double-verb). For example,
听懂 = to listen and to understand.
推升 = to push and raise something higher.
推动 = to push and move something.
帮助 = to help and support someone.
You can construct a negative form of it by inserting the word 不 (no, not) between the two words. For example,
听不懂 = do not understand what is heard.
推不动 = can not move it.
But you cannot take advantage of this structure as a general rule. For example,
你能帮助我吗?= Could you help me?
我现在帮不了你。= I cannot help you at the moment.
You would not say 我帮不助你 because none can understand it.