I'm practicing writing short articles in Chinese, but I'm not sure how to say "To conclude" or "In conclusion". I can't seem to find an appropriate translation. What is recommended?

6 Answers 6


总而言之,complete version of 总之,less imperative. 综上所述,in summary (of the previous narration or evidences). 以上,very concise and confident way,but use it carefully,more of a meme these days

  • what do you mean by meme? And why would I use 总而言之 over 综上所述, and vice versa? Commented Nov 12, 2014 at 5:06
  • 1
    @tofu_bacon I guess by meme he means using 以上 to mean "the end". It's a usage commonly seen in Japanese but now becoming popular in Chinese interwebs. 以上. Commented Nov 12, 2014 at 7:31

In academic writing, 综上所述 is often used


On Reddit, there's a Writing essays in Chinese--Cheat Sheet by user /u/Norcan987 which might be useful more generally. It gives quite a few options:

  • 最后
  • 总的来说
  • 总之
  • 总而言之
  • 最终
  • 仔细权衡利弊之后,我认为
  • 据这些论点一看,我认为


总之 means something like "in sum".


从此可以看出 is a common alternative.


總結來說, (your summary) - In conclusion, (your summary)

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