I'm trying to figure out how I could express that I had a feeling/emotion. and then, after a certain event happend/began I "Quickly forgot" that I had that emotion. In english we could say "At the beginning of the date I was really hungry, but after talking with her for a couple of minutes I quickly forgot my hunger" Could I say "我就快忘了我以前饿的样子。 "
2 Answers
If you forgot your hunger because of work or study, you can say 废寝忘食, which means you work/study too hard to eat/sleep. PS: You can not say 废寝忘食 for a girl.
for this sentence "At the beginning of the date I was really hungry, but after talking with her for a couple of minutes I quickly forgot my hunger", you can say: 我刚见到她的时候还饿得很,但和她聊了几分钟之后很快就被我抛到脑后了。