I searched through dictionaries to understand magic related words and phrases, like in MMORPG games or Fantasy books/movies. But I'm so confused how to construct a sentence and I really want to learn. I also couldn't make proper sentences the words that I looked for like 咒语, 念咒, 咒文, 魔咒, 施法, 法術... I don't know which verb should I use with them to correspond verbs "to cast", "to do", "to put"... I'm looking for the exact words to correspond magic, charm, spell and curse. And the phrases like "to cast a spell" and "to put a spell on someone" Also I'm trying to make sentence with the phrases;
"To cast fire spell"/"Casting Light Spell"/"The witch casted a dark spell"(I want to see the usage of it with adjectives)
"She put a curse him"
"He cursed him with a spell"
"She put a spell on me"
"She did lightning magic"
I really need this community's help on this. Thanks in advance.