This is a part of lyrics from the song 小幸运 by 田馥甄:
I would like to know how the third sentence works out, in terms of grammatical structure. The surrounding lines are for context. Here's my progress:
- 也许(maybe) 当时(at that time) 忙着(busy) 微笑和哭泣(laughing & crying)
- 忙着(busy) 追逐(chasing) 天空中的流星(falling stars in the sky);
The two sentences above is like an adverb (i.e. is separable; does not affect the following sentence grammatically), I suppose?
- 人理所(???) 当然的(something that is required) 忘记(forget)
- 是(is) 谁(someone who,) 风里雨里(in hard times) 一直默默 守护在原地(kept one's place without saying anything)
I think 人理 is used here to convey such as "a decent person should not forget (someone who's so devoted)". How does it work?