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How would you translate workplace and worksite in Chinese?

When speaking with people in the educational field, I notice some of us refers to "worksite" as the place they work at. Such as their school. However, I always thought that "workplace&...
Monokuma's user avatar
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Are the meanings of 班主任 and 助教 equivalent to 主班老师 and 配班老师?

I have seen the use of 班主任 and 助教 in real life. However, the latter 主班老师 and 配班老师 have been on media sometimes, as when I look up videos in regards to classroom tips. I am wondering if there are ...
Monokuma's user avatar
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How do you say "wavy hair" in Chinese?

Adjective 波浪形 = wave-shaped 鬈 = 波浪形;有弯曲(?) (For this, I was uncertain, as the word "鬈" alone just has the definition of "fine" or "beautiful" hair. Noun As a noun, I ...
Monokuma's user avatar
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How do you say "ragdoll physics" into Chinese?

When your avatar dies in a game, it will swingy (一摆一摆的). Like with games like Roblox, GMod, or Human Fall Flat; its physics is designed that way. In Wikipedia, "Ragdoll physics" is ...
Monokuma's user avatar
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Differentiating the translation of "Bilingual Education" and "Dual Language Education" into Chinese?

While I know, "Bilingual Education" can be translated as "双语教学" or "双语教育". (Note that "教育" and "教学" can be used interchangeable. With the former ...
Monokuma's user avatar
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Why do people use "head teacher“ as a translation for ”班主任“?

In the education field, I notice some people use the word "head teacher" in place of "班主任". However, I am unsure if this is quite accurate. Upon searching, I notice "head ...
Monokuma's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it grammatically correct to say 西南人?

The phrase 东北人 has been widely used by native speakers but 西南人 is not as common. Is it not equally correct to say 西南人?
Zuriel's user avatar
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What kind of pen/brush do 水笔 and 签名笔 refer to?

I was casually browsing Chinese artist blog, and the artist states that he/she uses 圆珠笔 签名笔 and 水笔 as medium for art. I know what a ballpoint pen is. However, I am not sure what kind of pen is 签名笔. ...
pbeta's user avatar
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What is the term for alluding to a more formless concept by listing its specific members?

(I only understand Vietnamese, but I guess this phenomenon is an influence of ancient Chinese.) For example, we say "table-chair" to mean furniture, "month-year" to mean time, "land-water" to mean ...
Ooker's user avatar
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What other words than 奥 exist for places of reveration?

奥(ao4) denotes a place inside a house,where offerings to one's ancestors are put. It is located in the south western corner of the house. Beside this term, are there further words like this?
Abdul Al Hazred's user avatar