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3 answers

Is there a name for identically spaced 2-character words separated by 1-character particles, prepositions, etc.?

The HSK6 Standard Course textbook (下册, p.52) contains: 他放下灯,绝望地凝视着眼前的茫茫黑暗,…… wherein there's a sequence of identically spaced 2-character words separated by 1-character particles. If you read it ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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Should I use 她 or 它 for 中国? (and/or other countries)

If you're writing romantically, which of the following is appropriate - 中国/中华, 她 or 它?
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translating different negations ( 没,无,非,未.) in a single sentence

I am a little bit at loss with the following sentence as it uses four different negations: "朴世堂沒有說無用於日常之說非古之道,也未說因此而不需要它,但是他指出,程子之說未能明示性的本質". I am not sure how to translate them into English ...
McCzajnik's user avatar
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What is the style called where we draw characters without lifting the brush?

Consider this artistic rendering of the 福 (fú, happiness) character: Four characteristics stand out: The stroke thickness is constant (like in seal script, 篆书). The brush is never lifted (pushing to ...
Aristide's user avatar
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Can a drone make a heroic contribution?

Is the style of this sentence acceptable to Chinese ears? What is heroic about a drone? 无论是在生活还是救援等工作中,无人机都立下汗马功劳。 Can a drone 'make a heroic contribution'?? Or 汗马功劳 here just means:工作中的贡献, basically ...
Pedroski's user avatar
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Optional components in conditional statements

I am aware of this thread. However, I was wondering if you can play with the components the same way with every of the IF-words I know (ordered from most to least formal): 假使……(的话),(就)…… 假如……(的话),(就)…...
MrVocabulary's user avatar
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Does the convention to paraphrase a word in an article exist in Mandarin?

In an article over 人民网: 据日本TBS电视台报道,这名女大学生就读于东京都内某大学4年级,涉嫌违反野生动物保护法被逮。泰国警察介绍,这名日本女大学生当天打算搭乘返回成田机场的航班,被机场工作人员发现在行李中藏匿了10只水獭。 被捕女大学生交代“水獭是在曼谷市场附近地摊购买,打算当特产送给朋友。自己是第一次来泰国旅行,并不清楚不能带水獭”。 ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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Mixing of 你 and 您 a stylistic device?

I found this text on the website. There are what seems to be 2 different levels of politeness mixed together. Or is this a stylistic device? 下载并安装Ubuntu桌面操作系统,你 只需要一张空白的光盘或U盘。无论 您 ...
Jens Jensen's user avatar
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Is 级 necessary in 优先级

From the dictionary I gather that 优先 by itself means "priority" and so 优先级 means "level of priority". In a phrase such as 高优先级,or 最高优先级,is the 级 necessary to sound correct, or is it an optional "...
jsj's user avatar
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Characters which have several different shapes

For those who might not read the question fully: this not about simplified vs traditional characters. While the traditional and simplified version of a character can be considered the same, they at ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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Authoritative source for translators

For translators, is there an authoritative source they go to where they can check translations are accurate? For example say there was a political conference and someone wasn't sure if the word ...
going's user avatar
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