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user3992's user avatar
user3992's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
7 votes

Why 意大利 and not e.g., 意国

4 votes

How do you say "to get back at someone"? Is it 找晦氣 or 找負氣?

4 votes

How would you say "he does not take criticism well" in Cantonese and in Mandarin?

3 votes

How do Chinese speakers pronounce unknown characters?

3 votes

筛选 is the correct filter for 'search filter'?

3 votes

How can I get a Cantonese keyboard on an iPhone?

2 votes

How do you idiomatically transate 你这个人?

2 votes

What's the difference between 对不起, 对不住 and 不好意思

2 votes

Chengyu with two numbers

1 vote

Are simplified Chinese characters used for handwriting in places using traditional Chinese characters?

1 vote

In Cantonese, which is correct: 淨係 or 剩係?

1 vote

Are there words in Mandarin written by characters for other words that mean the same thing?

0 votes

How to translate "给力" in English?

-3 votes

Do 之 and 的 come from the same word?

-3 votes

Why do people often say 最多 in Cantonese when they mean "at the very least"?