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8 votes

Which Mandarin learning textbooks have the largest amount of practical exercises?

You can find some bookstores near the Elementary Schools (小學). If you see some signs like 國小參考書, go to find 參考書 (references) or 評量題 (examinations) for the first or second grade (一、二年級). 參考書 include ...
hinen's user avatar
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What is the title of this Ming era picture dictionary?

The title of the book is 《新編對相四言》明刻本.
dROOOze's user avatar
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Which book or website is recommended for learning Chinese grammar in 2022?

Pinyin rules Integrated Chinese 4th Edition, Volume 1 Textbook:This book has a good grasp of pinyin rules. You will learn about the pronunciation of each character and the difference in the tones ...
user34899's user avatar
5 votes

What is the name of the university in this seal?

It reads: 早稻田 大學 圖書 A Japanese Waseda University collection.
broccoli forest's user avatar
5 votes

What is a good Chinese Grammar book?

Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar: A Practical Guide may fit your criteria. It provides all simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, pinyin, and English for most of its examples. However, while I ...
Aries332's user avatar
4 votes

What's the font used in the 1st edition of the book series New Practical Chinese Reader?

To those with an eye for Chinese typefaces and calligraphy, the computer typeface you are referencing is one from the 楷體 / 楷体 kǎitǐ "regular script", adapted for 'zh-cn' Chinese (Simplified) ...
Michaelyus's user avatar
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Book and material to prepare for TOCFL "Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language"

看圖學中文語法系列(2冊) 華語文能力測驗模擬試題2:入門基礎(Band A) 華語文能力測驗模擬試題3:入門基礎(Band A) Good luck!
user-487's user avatar
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3 votes

Does reading books with pronunciation written above the characters develop one's skills?

I'm asking about answers based on scientific research or your experience. I choose experience to answer. In Taiwan, Students of lower grades of elementary school have a subject called 國語(in ...
000's user avatar
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Chengyu dictionary

Swooping in eight years later, but I recently developed a free chengyu website that does almost everything you're looking for — and more. It's called the Laowai's Unofficial Chengyu Guide, and it ...
stretch-a-lot's user avatar
2 votes

Jean Pasqualini's book Prisonnier de Mao

I haven't found the point about learning from one's mistakes but this is the closest Mao quote I've found: 中国监狱制度的改革与发展 “我们的监狱不是过去的监狱,我们的监狱其实是学校,也是工厂,或是农场。” Which roughly equates to something ...
Mou某's user avatar
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Where can I find a graded reader with pinyin alongside the simplified characters?

All, even higher "levels" of Graded Chinese Reader books come with pinyin. With a nice grid you can put over the page to cover pinyin (or characters) if you feel like it. https://www.purpleculture....
Vitaly Osipov's user avatar
2 votes

Where can I find a graded reader with pinyin alongside the simplified characters?

If you don't mind, you might want Mandarin textbooks for lower grade elementary school used in China. And some storybooks also have Pinyin on every character. You might search or to ...
Aria Ax's user avatar
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How to learn pronunciation effectively with help of books?

I would consider it practically impossible to learn how to pronounce words correctly in Chinese without audio. There's many obstacles: The initial x of 需 (xū) doesn't seem to have an equivalent ...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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Is the layout of the Chinese characters relevant to the meaning?

if the layout of the chinese characters is relevant to the meaning it's a no. the meaning of chinese text does not change, in relation to the style of "character flow". in text samples provided, the ...
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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What is the sequence of the Boya Chinese textbooks?

I haven’t heard of this series before, but looking at information from the publisher (Peking University Press) and various booksellers I can see the following: 博雅汉语 = Boya Chinese (1st edition, ...
Kess Vargavind's user avatar
2 votes

A question about the official Chinese translation of two passages from Nietzsche's books

there’re pdf, or epub file of nietzsche’s books in simplified chinese 人性的,太人性的 on page 21 of the linked pdf Von den ersten und letzten Dingen is translated as “關於最初的事物與最後的事物” 瞧,這箇人 on page 29(?) of ...
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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2 votes

Does reading books with pronunciation written above the characters develop one's skills?

Speaking from experience, as long as you don't focus too much on the Pinyin (as in only reading the Pinyin) there shouldn't be any harm. The Pinyin is only supposed to familiarise you to the words, ...
Tentacle Monster's user avatar
1 vote

On the Chinese translation of some words by 歌德

The most common translation for the first one seems to be: 要想逃避这个世界,没有比艺术更可靠的途径;要想同世界结合,也没有比艺术更可靠的途径。 It’s all over the net. Similarly the most popular rendition of the second one looks like: ...
Mou某's user avatar
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About a passage from a published Chinese translation of Kafka's "The Trial"

《审判》 This doesn't look like an excellent translation, but none the less here you go: 是不是以前被忽略的有利于他的论点又有人提出来了?当然,这样的论点应该有。逻辑无疑是不可动摇的,但它阻挡不了一个想活下去的人。 and “像一条狗似的!”他说;他的意思似乎是:他死了,但这种耻辱将留存人间。
Mou某's user avatar
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About the Chinese translation of two passages in the notes of Laurids Brigge by Rilke

I found a few copies, translated by 陈早, 林克, 曹元勇 First passage: 陈早: 纵使华服加身,诗人在它面前也要谦恭克己,他要像帕特莫斯岛上的约翰那样,跪着用双手写出它传授的东西。 林克: 但本来他必须在他的冠冕堂皇中对她卑躬屈膝并记录她所口授的,用两只手,像约翰在拔摩岛上,跪着。 曹元勇: 然而,不管诗人的气度如何非凡庄重,面对贝蒂娜的爱,...
user2249675's user avatar
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The title your looking for is: 《许佩里翁或希腊的隐士》 This is equivalent to the full title, "Hyperion oder Der Eremit in Griechenland." There is a published translation that can be found within: ...
Mou某's user avatar
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Well, Pfennig is Pfennig, (und wer den Pfennig nicht ehrt ist des Geldes wert!) but how words were and are spelled changes over time. Chinese characters also change with time. Spelling mistakes and ...
Pedroski's user avatar
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A question about the official Chinese translation of two passages from Nietzsche's books

Herbert Grönemeyer Und der Mensch heißt Mensch Weil er irrt und weil er kämpft Und weil er hofft und liebt Weil er mitfühlt und vergibt The translation of "menschlich" depends on what you ...
Pedroski's user avatar
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How to literally translate this: 小人书,是一种以书的形式出版的连环画?

小人 (little people) refers to the little drawn figures of characters in the comics, not children, 小人书 (little people book) is a nickname for 连环画 (Lian Huan Hua = chained drawings), The early Chinese ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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How to literally translate this: 小人书,是一种以书的形式出版的连环画?

小人书 = 连环画, as the audience mainly consists of children under teens. 是一种以书的形式... - is a kind/way of using book form....
r13's user avatar
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Books for learning characters through progression diagrams and glyph origins?

I suggest you try to get a sample of the books first and then decide which serves better your purpose. I think there are mainly two type of books: Type I: Simple learning descriptions They are focused ...
Puco4's user avatar
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Does reading books with pronunciation written above the characters develop one's skills?

My experience is that I would inevitably read the pinyin and not the Chinese characters, and it's something I deliberately avoid. I also find pinyin inherently obstructive---once you've mastered HSK4,...
Becky 李蓓's user avatar
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Is the layout of the Chinese characters relevant to the meaning?

In Chinese, the number is syllables is quite important even in everyday speech; speakers tend to produce sentences with even numbers of syllables. As a result, I've often see them shorten two syllable ...
MrVocabulary's user avatar
1 vote

What does this say?

It's an old book... I translate some basic info for you. Title: ILLUSTRATION OF GREAT ART TRADITION Publisher: Shanghai Publishing Co., Ltd (This company should not exist, but I haven't found the ...
Bruce Huang's user avatar
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Which edition of《杜骗新书》contains modern parallels?

《江湖奇闻杜骗新书》(lit. Weird Things in the World: New Collection of Frauds) is written in a mixture of Classical and Vulgar Chinese. The Vulgar Chinese lately evolved into Modern Chinese in early 1920s (as ...
Winfred Huang's user avatar

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