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Pronunciation of sentence final 的

In my experience 的 can be spoken by 东北口音 in exaggeration, like 的一 with extra yee in the end as what you heard; or 滴欸 with an extra yee in the middle. video material. Your provided example belongs to ...
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Can 茸 in 毛茸茸 (máo​róng​róng) be pronounced rōng?

My suggestion is máo róng róng. See how news announcers say about ABB pronunciation, 康辉 mentioned in a live show in 2020. At least 白茫茫 is now officially treated as bái máng máng instead of bái māng ...
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Can 茸 in 毛茸茸 (máo​róng​róng) be pronounced rōng?

No, but máo róng rōng would be the practical one. You know, in practice, tones will change in oral speech.
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Can 茸 in 毛茸茸 (máo​róng​róng) be pronounced rōng?

There's a not-very-well-known sandhi-like phenomenon ("Tone 2 becomes higher and changes its direction, approaching the tone 1 pitch contour, when put between tone 1 or 2 and any other full tone&...
goPlayerJuggler's user avatar
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Can 茸 in 毛茸茸 (máo​róng​róng) be pronounced rōng?

This article explains the underlying tone sandhi pattern that creates two versions of tones in ABB words, including 毛茸茸. 但是在ABB的词语中,黄澄澄 huáng dēng dēng,红彤彤 hóng tōng tōng,绿油油 lǜ yōu yōu 会产生音变。一般变作一声… ...
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Can 茸 in 毛茸茸 (máo​róng​róng) be pronounced rōng?

It can only be pronounced rōng in 毛茸茸. The standard pronunciation is máoróngróng- máorōngrōng is a colloquial variant.
Tree's user avatar
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Can 茸 in 毛茸茸 (máo​róng​róng) be pronounced rōng?

國語辭典 : 1 茸 ㄖㄨㄥˊ (róng) - 鹿茸; 毛茸茸 2 茸 ㄖㄨㄥˇ (rǒng) - 丰茸; 蓊茸 毛茸茸 / máo rōng rōng / - I think certain people/region pronounces this way on admirable furry lovely things, " 這大衣毛茸茸的,看來好暖好舒適啊!&...
r13's user avatar
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Pronunciation of sentence final 的

Ref: And press the speaker/play icon to hear it's pronounce by yourself. ... ~~ Remember to turn on your speaker ~~ There's only 3 different ...
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Pronunciation of sentence final 的

我的 发音是 wo de,这里的的发音是de 的确 发音是 di que,这里的的发音是di 如果你需要其他关于的的发音,请提供例子。
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Characters with Multiple Pinyin Transcriptions

The short answer is that you can know only from context and experience. Sometimes you must consult a dictionary to find which pronunciation is mandatory, recommended, acceptable, or optional. ...
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Confusion of d- and l- initials

旦在普通话中只有一种发音,不管它与谁组成词语,发音就是dàn,没有其他的发音,当然如果我错了请指出我的问题。 所有你听到其他的发音,只要发音不是dàn,就说明说话的这个人没有在说普通话,有可能是在说方言什么的,也有可能是发音不准等等其他一切的可能。这个原因可以了解,大概知道为什么没有发音为dàn即可,没有必要深究。如果非要深究,那就是按照普通话来说,她说错了(或她读错了)。
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