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9 votes

Why do cat (猫) and dog (狗) share the same 犭 radical?

The radical in 猫 actually comes from 豸 zhi4 (beast), which you can still see in the traditional character 貓. Whereas the radical in 狗 is in fact 犭 quan3. The simplified version of 猫 got the 犭 ...
blackgreen's user avatar
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The difference between "忍受不住" and "忍受不了"

忍受 = to endure/ to stand (put up with) Your question is about the difference between two particles '住' and '了'; It also involve the usage of a potential particles '得' (see How to determine the part ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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5 votes

The difference between 比~更 and 比~多了

Simply, 比~更: even (more); 比~多了:much (more); 他打篮球比我更好。: he plays basket ball even better than me. 他打篮球比我厉害多了。: he plays basket ball much better than me. 坐高铁比坐飞机更方便。: Taking high-speed ...
dan's user avatar
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When to use 相比 and 比?

It's quite easy to distinguish. First is the conclusion: "相比" in Chinese equals to "compare with" in English.It's usually a common verb. "比" in Chinese equals to "more than" or "xxxer than" in ...
Leon Tian's user avatar
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The difference between "忍受不住" and "忍受不了"

bkrs:不住 1) unable to v. (also repeatedly continuously constantly),unable to (resist, conceal etc) 疼极了!我忍不住了! It's awfully painful! I can't stand it anymore 忍不住 special cases having their own ...
user6065's user avatar
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Saying 'doubled' in Chinese 一倍 vs 两倍

Technically, when you say "增加了n倍", "n倍" is describing the difference the two number. So the original x becomes x*(n+1), while the difference is n*x. If you want to say that the latter number is just ...
fefe's user avatar
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Difference between 游学 and 留学

留学 to study abroad '留' = 'stay'; '學' = 'study' '留学' means 'stay (abroad) to study' If you say: "我要去留學" (I am going to study abroad), ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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3 votes

While learning Korean, is it a good idea to start learning Chinese in parallel?

I speak Chinese, Korean and Japanese and it's not the grammar but the vocabulary which is similar. I learnt Chinese first so expected Korean to be very alike due to reading that 60% of all Korean ...
Gâr's user avatar
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3 votes

The difference between "忍受不住" and "忍受不了"

To me, both have the very similar meaning. If there were any difference, it would be too trivial.
stonelia's user avatar
3 votes

Are there Escher sentences in Chinese? [kinda technical]

"More people have been to Russia than I have" doesn't make sense in English, therefore, it wouldn't make sense in Chinese neither. (2)-(4) would not be considered grammatical by native ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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3 votes

Meaning of 一样 in 你要像喜欢甜一样喜欢苦

你要像喜欢甜一样喜欢苦 (1) What does 一样 means in this sentence? "像 (X)一样" means "the same as (X) " or "like (X)" in this sentence 你要喜欢苦 = You have to love bitter 你要[像喜欢甜一样]喜欢苦 = You have to love bitter [...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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2 votes

The difference between 比~更 and 比~多了

Thay both are forms of comparison statements. Similar to English, the "多" just equal to "much". Let me translate into English word by word that you would know the difference at once. EP1 他打篮球比我更好。...
Kevman's user avatar
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How to make analogies?

You can translate them as: 力大如牛/像牛一样强壮 像狐狸一样聪明 像石头一样木讷 像小丑一样好玩 胖得像个气球 像军人一样勇敢 像母亲一样善良 像僧人一样冷静 像路灯一样高 像蚂蚁一样 11.像蝙蝠一样丑陋 In most cases, you can use "像". "如" is more literal and formal than "像". But be ...
funkyjoey's user avatar
2 votes

The difference between "忍受不住" and "忍受不了"

忍受不住: you can't hold it up. 忍受不了: you can't stand it or I've had had it. 忍受不住 takes the abstract things(such as feelings) as its object. E.g. 忍受不住诱惑; 忍受不住疼痛. For the normal object like 噪音, you ...
dan's user avatar
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Saying 'doubled' in Chinese 一倍 vs 两倍

They both express doubled. It’s a bit like how: a 100% increase (一倍) is the same as a two-fold increase (两倍) A phenomenon that is equally confusing in English. Compare: 一倍 example sentences ...
Mou某's user avatar
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While learning Korean, is it a good idea to start learning Chinese in parallel?

Learning Chinese might help in learning Korean and Japanese, but if I were you, I would not count on it. It's all about history, before the Hunminjeongeum(finished 1443 or 1444), Korea using Chinese ...
Kevman's user avatar
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Is Classical Chinese the shortest language?

it depends on the topic; style of writing, and translation. [for alphabetic language, one word might contain numerous characters, while for ideographic language, one word = one character] when ...
水巷孑蠻's user avatar
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Does 差不多 (chàbùduō) imply "slightly less than" when comparing quantities?

差 = 相差 (difference) ;差距 (gap) 不多 = not much 差不多 : (adj) not much difference/ not much gap between (adv): almost / about Example of 差不多 as adjective: 味道差不多 (not much difference in taste) - could be ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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When to Add 了 in the 太....了 Structure

Continuing your example: if we remove '已经' 所以,现在我不太爱坐飞机了 still means 'not anymore' because of '现在'. The reason you say '现在' in this sentence must be to compare past and current, so '已经' is ...
Agrit's user avatar
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How do I say “he loves his mother more than his wife”?

他比妻子更爱他的母亲 (he compare to his wife, he loves his mother more) means "he loves his mother more than his wife does" and it is not what the English sentence means. 他爱他的母亲胜过爱他的妻子 is correct but ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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How do I say “he loves his mother more than his wife”?

他爱他的母亲胜过爱他的妻子. 他比妻子更爱他的母亲. These two sentences have different meaning.
HungYu Chang's user avatar
2 votes

Differences between 推荐 and 建议

推荐 = recommend (closer to push for) 建议 = suggest (closer to advice) If you know the difference between 'recommend' and 'suggest' you should have no difficulty deciding when to use which. 推荐 applies ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there an ordering to words like 喜欢,喜爱,喜好?

爱 means 'love' 爱读书 = love to read (reading is a passion) 爱旅游 = love to travel (traveling is a passion) 喜欢 means 'like' and is often used for 'love' in 爱's stead 喜欢结交朋友 = like to make new friends ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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Saying 'doubled' in Chinese 一倍 vs 两倍

倍 is time in English. However, there are few expressions/phrases that can make difference when they are used in a sentence. I try to summarize a bit: X 比 Y 增加n倍: X = Y*(n+1); X 是 Y 的n倍: X = Y*n; X 比 ...
dan's user avatar
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Saying 'doubled' in Chinese 一倍 vs 两倍

Math: 倍 means multiple X * 1, 增加了一倍 means x + x * 1, 增加了2 倍 means x + x * 2 某某是它的2倍 means 某某 = x * 2 某某是它的1倍 means 某某 = x * 1, = x. So, 我的分数是你的一倍 imply scores are equal technically. The ...
sfy's user avatar
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比 vs. 跟 for comparisons

你的衣服跟我的衣服都便宜 你的衣服和我的衣服都便宜 Compare 跟 and 和 here, 跟 connotes slightly comparison or following. 跟 is more like the same as or following. It's like saying 你的衣服和我的衣服一样 都便宜。 Besides the structure xxx 跟 xxx,...
dan's user avatar
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比 vs. 跟 for comparisons

跟 in "你的衣服跟我的衣服都便宜"。 and "你的房子跟我的房子都贵"。is not 'compare to' but 'also/and' In face, 跟 doesn't contain meaning of 'compare to' . You thought so because in [X 跟 Y 比] ("X compare to Y" ) structure '跟' ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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Can "比" go without a subject?

[比 (object),还要 (adjective)] = [ more (adjective), compare to (object)] 比[那刘姥姥进了大观园],还要[土里土气] 那刘姥姥进了大观园 is the object phrase 土里土气 is the adjective phrase The subject is omitted in this sentence, but ...
Tang Ho's user avatar
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How to make analogies?

Both 像 and 如 can be used to make analogies to interpret those phrases you listed. However, the structures are different. With 像, you should use 像...一样..., for example, 'smart like a fox' -- '像狐狸一样聪明'...
dan's user avatar
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